These are the guidelines that I am implementing in an effort to ensure your maximum safety and protection.

  • All surfaces such as countertops, door handles, chair backs, arm rests, light switches, and other common use surfaces will be disinfected for each session.
  • I will be washing my hands between each and every appointment as well as at other times.
  • Any and all medical equipment will be properly sterilized between patients.
  • There will be hand sanitizer available for your use while in the office
  • I will be wearing a mask during our appointment
  • All billing will be done by online invoice so you don’t have to handle any of the payment processing equipment

If any of the following apply to you, I do ask that we change our appointment to a phone/video consult, or to reschedule your appointment:

  • You have been in close contact with someone known to or suspected to have the CoVid-19 virus, it is recommended that you self isolate until a negative test has been confirmed.
  • You have been out of the country within 14 days prior to your appointment, please self isolate as the government recommends.

Here is what I ask of you, please:

  • Wash/sanitize your hands.
  • Contact me if you are confirmed to have CoVid-19 within 14 days of being in my office.
  • Contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.

What you can do to keep you and yours healthy

  • Wash your hands well and often.
  • Avoid touching your face, nose, mouth, and eyes.
  • Avoid crowds
  • Stay hydrated.
  • Eat well.

Be well. Stay safe.